Faculty of Economics and Business Administration  --  Training Programmes

PhD School in Economics

Answering theoretical and practical questions related to the operation of the economy has necessitated increasingly complex approaches in the past decades. Exploring the most important socio-economic problems of our times and providing support to meet all challenges require solutions that presuppose the adoption of knowledge acquired in other fields of science.

The science of economics is capable of developing a fruitful relation with numerous peer sciences. During the development of the research and training structure of the PhD programme, the teaching researchers and institute employees of the Faculty strived to find the most important topics related to fields of sciences that could constitute a starting point for providing answers to current economic issues in the centre of general interest.

Due to specialisation and optional classes, students can select the subjects and fields of research (workshops) as the training field of their PhD education that best fit their individual research topics and habits. The PhD School operates the following research workshops.

  1. World Economy and International Finances Research Workshop
    (led by university professor Dr. Katalin Botos, academic doctor)
  2. World Economy and International Finances Research Workshop
    (led by university professor Dr. Katalin Botos, academic doctor)
  3. Economic Psychology Research Workshop
    (led by university professor Dr. Balázs Hámori)
  4. Economic Mathematics Research Workshop
    (led by university professor Dr. András Krámli, academic doctor)
  5. Regional Economic Development Research Workshop
    (led by university professor Dr. Imre Lengyel, academic doctor


Co-operation in research and education

Successful steps taken towards disseminating research results of the PhD School and building international relations are essential. Besides hosting internationally renowned guest professors in the past years, the organised involvement of PhD students in foreign training programmes has also started. Experienced researchers regularly help young scholars in preparing their researches for professional periodicals in a suitable quality.

Facts and Figures

In Hungary when successfully accomplishing the three-year postgraduate (PhD) programme the student is allowed to apply for a doctoral degree. By this application they become pre-doctors which infers that they must take a comprehensive examination and prepare their thesis within two years. Before the public discussion of the thesis an internal discussion is compulsory.


For further information please contact Péter Szakál head of secretariat
(E-mail: szpeter@eco.u-szeged.hu, Tel. +36 / 62 / 544-287) or visit the webpage of the
Doctoral Institute of the University of Szeged (http://www2.u-szeged.hu/dokint/).

