University of Szeged Where knowledge and challenge meet

R&D and Innovation  --  Contacts

Directorate for R&D and Innovation

University of Szeged, Directorate for R&D and Innovation

Enikő Pitó

director for R&D and innovation

Norbert Buzás, Ph.D., MBA

innovation consultant

Ágnes Bittera

innovation assistant

Luca Hertelendy-Varga

research and developement coordinator

Erika Kamasz

technology manager

Kata Lukács

business development manager

Krisztián Gáspár

industrial relations manager

Johanna Sárközi

R&D funding coordinator

Márta Görög Ph.D.

legal expert

Viktória Hasznos

legal treainee

Sándor Huszár

marketing manager


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