University of Szeged Where knowledge and challenge meet

Education  --  Special Courses
GATEWAY European Training Program for Visiting Students

The program is primarily designed for undergraduate or graduate students arriving from Chinese universities. The curriculum covers one semester. All classes and study materials are exclusively in English. The objective of the program is to give an introduction to the most important areas of jurisprudence, international relations, political science and industrial relations. The courses present the relevant field from a European – and where appropriate global – comparative perspective with a special emphasis on Hungarian experience. Practical courses will be offered on legal English so as to improve students’ vocabulary, linguistic and communication abilities.


In addition to curricular activities, well known government officials, academics and experts are invited twice every month to deliver special presentations to the visiting students on current topics in their field of expertise, e.g. Hungarian foreign policy, or constitutional review.

The program includes some field trips to historical and natural heritage sites in Hungary as well as to the National Assembly in Budapest in order to give students a better understanding of our culture and traditions. The students themselves are of course welcome to organize further field trips on their own. Our university is ready to assist them in these activities if required.

The program will provide visiting students with networking, knowledge and skills that are useful in their future careers both within China and on a global scale. We also hope that the experience and feedback from this program will contribute to an extensive cooperation between the participating institutions.





Dr. Krisztina Karsai

Phone: + 36 62 544 189
