University of Szeged Where knowledge and challenge meet

About us  --  Faculties
Agrarian-training operates since 1896, and higher education since 1961 at the – admitted and traditional – Faculty of Agriculture in Hódmezővásárhely; professionals are trained as Wildlife Management Engineers (Ba) and Agricultural Engineers (Ba). The faculty formerly belonged to the Food Industrial College of Szeged, and afterwards to the University of Veterinary Sciences, then to the University of Agricultural Sciences of Debrecen, but since 2000 it operates within the confines of the University of Szeged.
6800 Hódmezővásárhely, Andrássy u. 15.
Phone: +36 62 532 990, Fax: +36 62 532 991

The Arts Faculty of Szeged gives marketable and high level knowledge in the fields of arts and social sciences. The Facutly of Arts is very popular among the applicants every year, because the labour market appreciates the applicable and practical knowledge granted by the institute.



Faculty of Arts

6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2.

Phone.: +36-62-544-360, Fax: +36 62 544 037


Contact to foreigner students:


Dr. Zoltán Vajda

Address: H-6722 Szeged, Egyetem u. 2.

Phone: +36 62 544 264



The youngest and dynamically developing faculty of the University, the independent Faculty of Dentistry was founded in 2007, but it has won the appreciation of the public as one of the most excellent institutes of dentistry in Hungary due to its educational and research results over the course of its history since 1960 within the confines of the Medical University. The Dental School in Szeged is an outstanding centre for education, scientific work and patient care in the country.

6720 Szeged, Tisza L. krt. 64.
Tel.: +36 62 545 299; Fax: +36 62 545 282

Contact information:

Andrea Lehocki-Balog
Head of the Secretariat
Address: H-6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 12.
Phone: +36 (62) 545 458 Fax: +36 (62) 545-028
The faculty offers training in management, business and marketing; as well as finance and public accountancy as full-time BA courses. The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration in Szeged is reputed as one of the best in the country by the profession, the employers, and the students as well.
6722 Szeged, Kálvária sgt 1.
Phone: +36 62 544 499; Fax: +36 62 544 499
Contact to foreigner students:
Péter Szakal
Address: H-6722 Szeged, Kálvária sgt. 1.
Phone: +36 62 544 287
The Faculty of Engineering, in accordance with the traditions of the more than 45-years old food industrial engineer training in Szeged, offers dynamically developing technical-economical education. The training consists of food-engineering, economic and rural development agrarian engineering BSc’s, and food engineering MSc; besides the faculty takes part in the major postgraduate courses.
6724 Szeged, Mars tér 7.
Phone: +36 62 546 000, Fax: +36 62 546 003

The Faculty of Health Sciences and Social Studies is one of the most important training centers for healthcare professionals in the country, offering BA courses in Nursing and Medical Attendance, Sanitary Care and Prevention, and Social Work. Additionally, non-degree programs are avaliable in Image Diagnostics, Intervention Assistance, and Obsterics. Postgraduate programs are also offered.

6726 Szeged, Temesvári sgt. 31.
Phone: +36 62 544 947; Fax: +36 62 545 515

At our faculty, we offer the five-year law studies (MA), and also gradual and postgraduate degrees (in accordance with the Bologna-system) in international relations, politology, as well as in labour relations and social security administration (BA and MA). There is also a legal assistant non-degree program offered by the Faculty.

We combine the theory with the practice. The division of the courses into lectures and seminars as well as the additional services of the university facilitates the preparation for the future professional life of the students. The degree courses of the Faculty of Law at the University of Szeged have always been among the top three for the past decade, according to the studies on the quality of higher education. Its quality is also well reflected in the acknowledgement of our diplomas on the labour market.

At the faculty, there are also postgraduate trainings and specializations in foreign law offered as well as a doctoral program (Ph.D).



Faculty of Law and Political Sciences

6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 54.
Phone: +36 62 544 197

Fax: +36 62 544 204


Contact to foreign sudents:


Prof. Dr. Attila Badó
Address: H-6720 Tisza Lajos krt. 54.
Phone: +36 62 544 197

The Faculty of Medicine was established in the year 1775. It was part of the University founded in Cluj-Napoca (1581) until the year 1951 when it formed an independent institution under the name Medical University of Szeged. In 1987 the Medical University assumed the name of its former Biochemistry Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Rector, and Nobel Prize Laureate, Albert Szent-Györgyi who was first to isolate vitamin C, extracted from paprika. In the year 2000 the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University became again an integrated part of the University of Szeged. Today, the Medical Faculty, a network of clinics and hospitals near the banks of the Tisza, is the major centre of medical services for the city, the county and the entire southeastern region.


The Faculty of Medicine offers both English and German Language Medical training, as well as a training program for Translation and Interpretation in Health Sciences.

6725 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt.109.
Tel.: +36 62 545 015; Fax: +36 62 426 529

Contact information:

Andrea Lehocki-Balog
Head of the Secretariat
Address: H-6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 12.
Phone: +36 (62) 545 458 Fax: +36 (62) 545-028

The Faculty of Music functions as both a regional center for teacher education, training voice and music teachers, and a conservatory, training musicians. The high quality of instruction offered today, steeped in the history and traditions of Hungarian musical education, can be traced back to the renowned Liszt Ference Musical College, which became part of the University of Szeged in 1998. The Faculty of Music offers BA programs in Performing and Creative Arts, and in Musicology; as well as MA degree programs in classical singer artist and classical musical instrumental pesrformance.

6722 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt.79-81.
Phone: +36 62 544 605; Fax: +36 62 544 600
Contact to foreigner students:

Katalin Verbai
Address: H-6722 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt.79-81.
Phone: 62/544-854 Fax: 62/420-066

The Faculty of Pharmacy was established in 1957, although the training of pharmacists dates back until the year 1921. Today, 50% of all practising Hungarian pharmacists earned their degree in Szeged. The degree program requires completion of a five-year, full-time, undivided course of study, whereafter graduates can attend professional specialization courses, or complete a doctoral degree, if they wish to engage in research.



Faculty of Pharmacy

Address: H-6720 Szeged, Eötvös u. 6.

Phone: +36 62 545 022; Fax: +36 62 546 424




Contact information:

Andrea Lehocki-Balog
Head of the Secretariat
Address: H-6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 12.
Phone: +36 (62) 545 458 Fax: +36 (62) 545-028

The Faculty of Science and Informatics offers both full-time and correspondence BSc-majors and specializations in the Natural Sciences, Informatics and Engineering.

Students in the Natural Sciences can choose from degree programs offered in Biology, Physics, Geography, Geology and Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, and Mathematics. Informatics students can pursue professional degrees as an Economics IT specialist, Program Engineer IT specialist, or, Engineering IT specialist. Degree programs for Engineering students include: Materials Engineer, Bioengineer and Environmental Engineer. Additionally, the Faculty of Science and Informatics also offers accredited MSc programs in Natural Sciences, Informatics and Engineering, as well as specialized postgraduate and doctoral training.

6720 Szeged, Aradi vértanúk tér 1.
Tel.: +36 62 544 168; Fax: +36 62 426 221

Founded in Budapest in 1873 and moved to Szeged in 1928, The Juhasz Gyula Teacher Training Faculty is the oldest teacher training institution in Hungary, and continutes to be at the forefront of progressive pedagogy in the 21st Century. Since the adoption of the Bologna system, JGYTF has become the center of teacher training for early childhood education and special education, in addition to general teacher education. The faculty also offers arts-mediation, sports sciences and adult education majors. In fact, there are over two dozen marketable higher educational courses and specializations offered, most of which can be studied full-time or in a correspondance course, including MA programs. The Juhász Gyula Teacher Training Faculty is also famous for its strong and cohesive community and its colourful student life.

6725 Szeged, Boldogasszony sgt.6.
Phone: (62) 546-050; Fax: (62) 420-953

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