2024. május 17., péntek English version
E-Universitas  --  Szabadegyetem - Szeged  --  Korábbi szemeszterek  --  IV. szemeszter  --  2007. május 9. szerda 18.00
Válogatott publikációk
L. Hatvani and L. Pintér, On perturbation of unstable second order linear differential equations, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.61(1976), 36--38.
L. Hatvani, Attractivity theorems for nonautonomous systems of differential equations,  Acta Sci. Math.40(1978), 271--283.
L. Hatvani, On the continuation of solutions of differential equations by vector Ljapunov functions, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.79(1980), 59--62.
T.A. Burton and L. Hatvani, Stability theorems for nonautonomous functional differential equations by Liapunov functionals, Tohoku Math. Journal41(1989), 65--104.
T.A. Burton and L. Hatvani, On nonuniform asymptotic stability for nonautonomous functional differential equations, Differential and Integral Equations3(1990), 285--293.
L. Hatvani and T. Krisztin, On the existence of periodic solutions for linear inhomogeneous and quasilinear functional differential equations, J. Differential Equations97(1992), 1--15.
L. Hatvani and V. Totik, Asymptotic stability of the equilibrium of the damped oscillator, Differential and Integral Equations6(1993), 835--848.
L. Hatvani, T. Krisztin and V. Totik, A necessary and sufficient condition for the asymptotic stability of the damped oscillator, J. Differential Equations119(1995), 209--223.
L. Hatvani, Integral condition on the asymptotic stability for the damped linear oscillator with small damping, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.124(1996), 415--422.
L. Hatvani and T. Krisztin, Necessary and sufficient conditions for intermittent stabilization of linear oscillators by large damping, Differential and Integral Equations10(1997), 265--272.
L. Hatvani, Annulus arguments in the stability theory for functional differential equations,  Differential and Integral Equations10(1997), 975--1002.
L. Hatvani, On the asymptotic stability for functional differential equations by Lyapunov functionals,  Nonlinear Anal.40(2000), 251—263.
Hatvani László, Krisztin Tibor, Makay Géza, Dinamikus modellek a közgazdaságban, Polygon, Szeged, 2001.
L. Hatvani, On the asymptotic stability for nonautonomous functional differential equations by Lyapunov functionals, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.354(2002), 3555--3571.
L. Hatvani and L. Székely, On the existence of small solutions of systems of linear difference equations with varying coefficients, J. Difference Equ. Appl.12(2006), 837—845.