2024. május 6., hétfő English version
E-Universitas  --  Szabadegyetem - Szeged  --  Korábbi szemeszterek  --  VI. Szemeszter  --  „COPD – az alattomos gyilkos” - Október 13. szerda, 18:00
Válogatott publikációk - Dr. Somfay Attila

Somfay A, Porszasz J, Lee SM, Casaburi R. Dose-response effect of oxygen on hyperinflation and exercise endurance in non-hypoxemic COPD patients. Eur. Respir. J. 2001; 18:77-84. IF: 2,989

Somfay A, Porszasz J, Lee SM, Casaburi R. Effect of hyperoxia on gas exchange and lactate kinetics during exercise in non-hypoxemic COPD patients. Chest 2002; 121:393-400. IF: 2.969

Porszasz J, Casaburi R, Somfay A, Woodhouse LJ, Whipp BJ. A treadmill ramp protocol using simultaneous changes in speed and grade. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 2003; 35:1596-1603. IF: 2,591

Emtner M, Porszasz J, Burns M, Somfay A, Casaburi R. Benefits of supplemental oxygen in exercise training in nonhypoxemic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Am. J. Respir. Critic. Care Med. 2003; 168:1034-1042. IF: 8,876

Casaburi R, Bhasin S, Cosentino L, Porszasz J, Somfay A, Lewis MI, Fournier M, Storer TW. Effects of testosterone and resistance training in men with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Am J Respir Critic Care Med 2004; 170:870-878. IF: 8,123

Porszasz J, Emtner M, Goto S, Somfay A, Whipp BJ, Casaburi R:. Exercsie training decreases ventilatory requirements and exercise-induced hyperinflation at submaximal intensities in patients with COPD. Chest 2005; 128:2025-2034 IF: 4,008

Varga J, Porszasz J, Boda K, Casaburi R, Somfay A: Supervised high intensity continuous and interval training vs. self-paced training in COPD. Respir Med 2007; 101:2297-2304. IF: 2,235

Rosztóczy A, Makk L, Izbéki F, Róka R, Somfay A, Wittmann T. Asthma and gastroesophageal reflux: clinical evaluation of esophago-bronchial reflex and proximal reflux. Digestion 2008; 77:218-224. IF: 2,097

Somfay A. Pulmonológiai rehabilitáció /módszertani ajánlás/. Medicina Thoracalis 2002; 55:1-12.

Somfay A. Tartós otthoni oxigénkezelés. LAM 2005; 15:109-115.
