2024. május 6., hétfő English version
E-Universitas  --  Szabadegyetem - Szeged  --  Korábbi szemeszterek  --  VI. Szemeszter  --  Nanotechnológia fizikus szemmel - November 10. szerda, 18:00
Válogatott publikációk - Dr. Forró László

Forró László válogatott publikációi:

- Sipos B, Kusmartseva AF, Akrap A, et al., From Mott state to superconductivity in 1T-TaS2 , NATURE MATERIALS 7, 960-965 (2008)

- Barreiro A, Rurali R, Hernandez ER, et al., Subnanometer motion of cargoes driven by thermal gradients along carbon nanotubes, SCIENCE 320, 775-778 (2008)

- Bourlon B, Wong J, Miko C, et al., A nanoscale probe for fluidic and ionic transport, NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY 2, 104-107 (2007)

- Forró L, Nanomaterials - Display of flexibility, NATURE 441, 414-415 (2006)

- Kis A, Csanyi G, Salvetat JP, et al., Reinforcement of single-walled carbon nanotube bundles by intertube bridging, NATURE MATERIALS 3, 153-157 (2004)

- Forró L, Nanotechnology - Beyond gedanken experiments, SCIENCE 289, 560-561 (2000)

- Bachtold A, Strunk C, Salvetat JP, et al., Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in carbon nanotubes , NATURE 397, 673-675 (1999)

- De Heer W, Bacsa Ws, Chatelain A et al., Aligned carbon nanotube films - production and optical and electronic properties, SCIENCE 268, 845-847 (1995)

- Stephens PW, Bortel G, Faigel G, et al., Polymeric fullerene chains in Rbc60 and KC60 , NATURE 370, 636-639 (1994)

- Pekker S, Janossy A, Mihaly L, et al.Single-crystalline (KC60)(n) - A conducting linear alkali fulleride polymer , SCIENCE, 265, 1077-1078 (1994).

- Mandrus D, Forró L, Koller D, et al. Giant tunneling anisotropy in the high-Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8, NATURE 351, 460-462 (1991)

- Cooper JR, Forró L, Keszei B, Direct evidence for a very large penetration depth in superconducting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 single-crystals, NATURE 343 , 444-446 (1990).

