2024. május 9., csütörtök English version
E-Universitas  --  Szabadegyetem - Szeged  --  Korábbi szemeszterek  --  V. szemeszter  --  2007. december 5. szerda 18.00
Válogatott publikációk
L. Seres, F. Márta and Á. Kiss
The thermal decomposition of i-butane
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 73, 571 (1969).
L. Seres, M. Görgényi and J. Farkas:
The azoethane-initiated thermal reaction of isobutene
Heat of formation of the 2-methyl-2-pentyl radical
Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 15, 1133 (1983).
M. Görgényi, Z, Fekete and L. Seres:
Estimation and prediction of the retention indices of selected trans diazenes
Chromatographia, 27, 581 (1989).
M. Görgényi, T. Körtvélyesi and L. Seres:
Reaction of Methyl Radicals with Azoethane
J.C.S. Faraday Trans. 89, 447 (1993).
L. Seres, Á. Nacsa and N. L. Arthur:
Thermal Decomposition of Di-t-Butyl Peroxide in the Presence of (CH3)2C=CH2; Reactions of CH3,(CH3)2CCH2CH3 and (CH3)2CCH2C(CH3)2CH2CH3 Radicals
Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 26, 227 (1994).
L. Seres, R. Fisher, K. Scherzer and M. Görgényi:
Thermal Decomposition of Azoisopropane in the Presence of (E)-CH3CH=CHCH3; Reactions of the 2-C3H7• Radical
J.C.S. Faraday Trans. 91, 1303 (1995).
T. Körtvélyesi, M. Görgényi and L. Seres:
Correlation of Retention Indices with van der Waals' Volumes and Surface Areas: Alkanes and Azo Compounds
Chromatographia 41, 283 (1995).
B. Viskolcz, G. Lendvay, T. Körtvélyesi, L. Seres:
Intramolecular H Atom Transfer Reactions in Alkyl Radicals
J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 118, 3006 (1996).
Z. Király, T. Körtvélyesi, L. Seres and M. Görgényi:
Structure-Retention Relationships in the Gas-Chromatography of N,N- Dialkylhydrazones
Chromatographia, 42, 653 (1996).
B. Viskolcz, G. Lendvay and L. Seres:
An Ab Initio Study of the Intramolecular H atom Transfer Reactions of a Branched Alkyl Radical
J. Phys. Chem. A., 101, 7119 (1997). 

Z. Király, T. Körtvélyesi and L. Seres:
Thermal Reaction of 2-Methyl-2-Butene in the Presence of Azomethane: Enthalpy of Formation of the Radicals (CH3)2•CCH(CH3)2 and tert-•C4H9.
Phys.Chem. Chem. Phys., 2000, 2, 349.
I. Marsi, B. Viskolcz, L. Seres:
Application of the Group Additivity Method to Alkyl Radicals; an ab Initio Study
J. Phys. Chem. A. ., 104, 4497 (2000).
L. Seres, M. Dinse and M. Görgényi:
A Kinetic Study of the Reaction between the (CH3)2CH •  Radical and (CH3)2C=CH2:
Formation of the (CH3)2CHCH2C •(CH3)2  Radical
Z. Phys. Chem. 218, 469 (2004).
Zalotai L., Seres L., Fejes P.:
FORTRAN programok fizikai-kémiai feladatok megoldására.
Műszaki Könyvkiadó, Bp., (1978).